Coronavirus India Latest News|No public gathering in UP said by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.

No public gathering in UP said by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
CM Yogi Adityanath said that No public gathering will be allowed till 30 june.

No Public Gathering in UP till June 30 - said by CM Yogi Adityanath

Lucknow:- On Saturday Morning, a commitee meeting held by the CM Yogi AdityaNath with his minister to combat Covid-19.After the meeting, CM ordered that the pubic gathering in UP is banned till 30 june.The order suggest that Dharna pradasan, Public meetings,social function is restricted in state till june 30,This measures has taken by the CM so that fight against Covid -19 get Stronger and social distancing between the persons can be maintained.

"Chief Minister Yogi Adityanathji has given strict instructions to the officers that no crowd of any kind can be gathered by June 30. This decision has been taken with the intention of keeping the corona under control," Mrityunjay Kumar, the media advisor to the Chief Minister, tweeted

Re-Open of Small Groceries Shop in India

No public gathering in UP said by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Grocery shops will open in India with some restriction

Today, the Central Government order came into force with Re-opening of shops in residential area that are under green zone.However, opening of malls and shopping complexes is still restricted till further notice.Moreover, States have been given authority to modify or override these instruction, if needed.These order from Central govt to re-open shop are not applicable in coronavirus hotspot or containment zones.

Read:- List of services that started in Indian Economy after April 20.

Precaution taken while administrating shops.

  • The ministry said that only half of staff will be allowed to work.
  • Maintain Social distancing while Buying and selling goods at shops
  • Wearing face masks and observe social distancing.
  • Opening of malls and shopping complexes is restricted and big business houses in hotspots zone will be also remain closed.

उत्तर प्रदेश के ऐसे श्रमिक, कामगार तथा मजदूर बहन-भाई, जो अन्य राज्यों में निवासरत हैं और 14 दिन की क्वारंटीन अवधि पूरी कर चुके हैं, हम उन्हें वापस उनके घर पहुंचाएंगे।
ऐसे लोगों की राज्यवार सूची तैयार करने सहित चरणबद्ध कार्ययोजना तैयार करने हेतु अधिकारियों को निर्देश दिए गए हैं।

UP Govt will bring Migrant Worker from Other States

On Friday, CM Yogi adityanath Announced that his government will bring migrant worker who are stranded in other states due to the nationwise lockdown.

''We will help such workers from UP who have completed 14 days of quarantine in these states, to get back to their homes.I have directed offical to prepare a list of such workers statewise and phase wise plan to bringing them back,'' the Chief Minister tweeted on Friday

The person who are left jobless and person who have no money or shelter and facing difficulty to earn their livlihood due to the temporarily lockdown will be brought back on track after the lockdown, the Chief Minister Said.

The state Government had earlier sent 300 buses to kota (an educational center for Student) to bring back more than 7000 student who are stuck in kota (Rajasthan).The UP Govt has also sent 1000 buses to different states to bring back around Four lakh migrant workers.

Uttar Pradesh has recorded more than 1,873 corona cases,while the death tolls to 30 till monday and more than 327 people is recovered and discharged from the hospitals.

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